Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center
Hemphill Road
Lake Junaluska
About Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center
The Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center is located in Haywood County, North Carolina and is part of a network of 32 research center that support scientific study in our National Parks. The facility was recently renovated by funds from Friends of the Smokies and Great Smoky Mountains Association.
The mission of the Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center at Purchase Knob is to increase the amount and effectiveness of research in the Appalachian highlands network parks that meet management needs while increasing public access to and understanding and appreciation of these research activities.
The center offers lodging for 10 researchers; a 50-person meeting room; kitchen, bath and laundry facilities and internet hookups. Additionally, there is a small wet lab and 5 tent platforms available for larger groups. It is open from May through October and by appointment only. Please call for reservations.
(828) 926-6251