Smoky Mountain Parking Fee Proposed

Smoky Mountain Parking Fee Proposed. GSMNP officials are seeking public input on proposed fee program changes for 2023, including a new park wide parking fee and an increase to existing fee rates at front country and backcountry campsites, picnic pavilions, and day-use cabin rentals. All revenue generated through these user fees would remain in the Smokies to directly support operational costs for managing and improving services for visitors including trail maintenance, custodial services, trash removal, and supporting more law enforcement staffing across the park.  

Great Smoky Mountains National Park is at a crossroads,” said Superintendent Cassius Cash. “We’re proud to be the most visited National Park, but it does present challenges due to wear and tear on aging facilities and a strain on park resources and employees. Parking tag sales, at a modest fee, would provide critically needed support to protect and enhance the visitor experience not just for tomorrow, but for generations to come. We appreciate the public’s input throughout this process.”

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GSMNP Fall Volunteer Service Days Scheduled

GSMNP Fall Volunteer Service Days Scheduled. Great Smoky Mountains National Park invites the public to “Fall into Volunteerism with Smokies Service Days!” Several single-day volunteer opportunities across the park will be held Saturdays beginning October 24, 20230 through November 21, 2020. Each experience provides a unique, hands-on opportunity to help care for park campgrounds, historic buildings, and natural resources.

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Virtual Synchronous Firefly Event

Virtual Synchronous firefly event to be held Monday, June 1, 2020. Every year in late May or early June, thousands of visitors gather near the popular Elkmont Campground to observe the naturally occurring phenomenon of Photinus carolinus, a firefly species that flashes synchronously. Since 2006, access to the Elkmont area has been limited to shuttle service beginning awarded via lottery beginning at Sugarlands Visitor Center during the eight days of predicted peak activity in order to reduce traffic congestion and provide a safe viewing experience for visitors that minimizes disturbance to these unique fireflies during the critical two-week mating period.

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